Our Story
Based in the Cotswolds, we are a small family business operating from our home.
Our journey started in 2017 with the arrival of our second child. Born with profound bilateral hearing loss, he spent 6 months with hearing aids, then days after his first birthday he received Cochlear Implants.
With no experience or history of deafness in our family, we were (and continue to be!) struck by the paucity of accessories available to make life that bit easier, especially when it comes to small people (and parents) needing to adjust to life with hearing devices, while still doing all the things small people like to do. In response, we started making our own accessories for our son, starting with headbands, then hats, and as he grows we continually consider what we can do to make his life easier and protect his hearing devices.
Not being one to be left out, our daughter was quick to request that she too should have her own hat (or collection of!), which then quickly grew to include baby accessories after the arrival of our youngest son. As such, we have developed a range of hats and accessories for our hearing children too.
We feel passionately about supporting other individuals and families who find themselves in the same position as us. Therefore, we have made the decision to start making and selling our creations; we hope to the benefit of others. Our aim being to provide beautiful bespoke handmade accessories for people of all ages, which not only provide a practical purpose, but are suitably special to celebrate just how wonderful we all are.
Our children are lovers of nature and seek out adventure at every opportunity. With everything that nature gives us, we saw it only fitting to try and give a little bit back.
Therefore, we have chosen to use wonderfully soft organic fabrics (not including the elastic headbands), eco friendly materials, beautiful printed patterns, and customisable touches to make the item individual to each wearer. We’ve also sourced, where possible, from UK suppliers and other small businesses like us.
Thank you so much for visiting our little online store and we really hope you like what we’ve created as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.
Definitely Wild